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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 28, Issue 2, pp. 259-498

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Blowup in Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Dissipation Of Mass

Michel Pierre and Didier Schmitt

pp. 259-269

Higher Gradient Integrability of Equilibria for Certain Rank-One Convex Integrals

Michael M. Dougherty and Daniel Phillips

pp. 270-273

The Limit of the Fully Anisotropic Double-Obstacle Allen--Cahn Equation in the Nonsmooth Case

Charles M. Elliott and Reiner Schätzle

pp. 274-303

The Asymptotic Behavior of the Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Relaxation on the Quarter-Plane

Shinya Nishibata and Shih-Hsien Yu

pp. 304-321

A Nonlinear Grating Problem in Diffractive Optics

Gang Bao and Yunmei Chen

pp. 322-337

A Semilinear Dirac Equation in Hs(R3) for s > 1

M. Escobedo and L. Vega

pp. 338-362

Implicit Time Discretization and Global Existence for a Quasi-Linear Evolution Equation with Nonconvex Energy

G. Friesecke and G. Dolzmann

pp. 363-380

Structural Stability of Morse--Smale Gradient-like Flows under Discretizations

Ming-Chia Li

pp. 381-388

Razumikhin-Type Theorems on Exponential Stability of Neutral Stochastic Differential Equations

Xuerong Mao

pp. 389-401

An Extension of the Stability Index for Traveling-Wave Solutions and Its Application to Bifurcations

Shunsaku Nii

pp. 402-433

Solution of a Finite Convolution Equation with a Hankel Kernel by Matrix Factorization

Norbert Gorenflo and Matthias Werner

pp. 434-451

Multivariable Big and Little q-Jacobi Polynomials

Jasper V. Stokman

pp. 452-480

Approximation from Shift-Invariant Spaces by Integral Operators

Junjiang Lei, Rong-Qing Jia, and E. W. Cheney

pp. 481-498